4 Jones Kidz

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Day one

Hey, this is Katelynne speeking. Welcom to our blog. this is our first day (as you can tell.)My aunt raises bangles. We have had two bangles but something happend to them. About April 17, 2005 my aunt brought a pregnet cat over and it was Olivers early b-day present. The cat (Amanda) had her kittens April 27,2005. Our whole family bet on a day when she would have her babies and she was due the 24. Oliver bet the 23, my mom bet 24, Danika bet the 25, I bet the 26, My dad bet the 27, Jason bet the 28. Since my dad won we each ofus had to give him a dollar. Now the kittens are a week old because they were born on a wednsday. I feel bad for my other cat Magheera because Amanda kind of took her tarritory and now Magheera likes to take a 3 day vication then come back and store up on food. Allthough when Magheera comes home she'll growl when she can smell Amanda so at night she stays in our room.


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